Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The One Where I Take The Non-Violent Approach

texts from last night...on the bus

And: College kids are soooo loud!
Lynne: I hate young people these days
And: Me too. Let's be old and kick them off our lawn
Lynne: We would have to get a lawn...
And: I cannot read my New Yorker
Lynne: Roll it up and hit them with it
And: I moved seats

Sunday, June 06, 2010

The Hidden World of Girls

NPR is running a series called The Hidden World of Girls and when they put out a call for journal entries, I was thrilled. I've been keeping journals semi-regularly since 1993 and thought for sure they would be a trip to read through. I consulted my sister.

: I want to get back into thoughtful writing
did you ever read my journal(s)?
Liz: how is your new journal
me: or has matt read yours?
Liz: no
4:02 PM no
me: I didn't think so
I always just leave mine out
Liz: those are private!
me: but never thought that anyone read it
Liz: i do to
did someone?
daddy read mine once
me: really??
Liz: i busted him!
me: how do you know?
oh my
Liz: it was awkward
and shocking
and embarrasing
me: yikes
Liz: mostly shocking
4:03 PM are you worried someone will read yours./
me: oh no
I was actually going to photo some of the pages and post them on flickr
on that group I sent
the hidden life of girls
I like that girls everywhere and throughout time have written journals
Liz: i haven tlooked at it yet
4:04 PM me: and I don't mind contributing some of mine
from years ago
Liz: oh
hmm. I don't think i would share mine
I don't even re-read them!
I put my thoughts in there so I have a clear head.
4:05 PM me: me too
but I've been doing it so long
Liz: no need to clutter it back up by reerading
me: and always thought I'd give them to a daughter
Liz: oooh
me: since that might not happen, maybe I'll just share with the world
Liz: haha!
i love you!!!
me: I love you too!

I came home after work Friday and cracked a few old ones open. They weren't hilarious-- in fact, I lot of them were kind of sad. I spent a lot of time lamenting the death of my grandfather in 1994 and the more recent ones-- even from 2001-- just seem too recent to share. My voice changes too-- the older ones seem to be written for some audience, or like I didn't know exactly for whom I was writing (just me?). I like reading about my friends-- lots of friends I still have, like Caron, Lesley, Nora and Steph and of course my family. A dedicate pages and pages to how much my math and science classes suck. I picked a few of the less embarrassing entries to share and have them up on my flickr account now. Feel free to share your own tales of journaling!