Friday, August 05, 2005


I received an email a few weeks ago informing me of my upcoming 10 year high school reunion. Reunions strike fear in some, and barely containable anticipation in others. Although a few years ago I was excited and couldn't wait, now I feel a little ambivelant. I haven't returned to Wichita in 5-6 years, and feel I keep up with most people I want to. There was a link to our reunion website attached to the e-mail and I decided to check it out.
Success is truly in the eye of the beholder as many people have taken paths I would never have dreamed of (not attending/finishing college, married with children, conversion to evangelical Chritianity, living in small town America...). But those who have posted seem genuinely happy and excited to see people next summer.
Anyone who's seen "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion" will recall that the two friends decided they would go only if they reinvented themselves. The created for themselves new outfits, new jobs and fabulous resumes (including inventing post-its). I know the moral of the movie is to embrace what you actually have achieved, blah, blah, blah. But I am below that and want a fabulous past nine years and, in order to make this blog more INTERACTIVE, am soliciting suggestions (real, or imagined!) for my own bio.


Evil Twin #1 said...

I love the 10 year reunion. I too was apprehensive and could not think of what to write on the bio. Here is the deal don't write a bio. If you do that is on what everyone will fixate. The best conversation I had was on translations of the Ovid, something I would never have written on a bio. Of course, if you don't go you can always be a jet setting party planner....

rashmi said...

I agree on not writing a bio only because it lends an air of mystery to your presence before you even arrive (should you decide to go). You should just wow them all with your beautiful self with all its complexity and nuance in person. After all, my dear, you are unable to be captured accurately in 500 words. It's why we love you.