Thursday, October 05, 2006

Fall Update

The early part of the fall has been busy. I turned 29, got a new job, and perhaps most importantly, got my hair cut. I also bought three hair products and dug out the blow drier a close friend gave me the day we both left for college, back in 1996. Doing my hair takes time, thus the lack of blogging.
The Summer of Svelte ended and I can proudly say that I can easily run 3 miles in a half hour (on the treadmill). But a recent run with Evil Twin #1 proved a challenge. She made me run up a hill and promised me a bench and water. There was no water. I had to stop frequently and she frequently had to slow down to keep pace with me. When asked to go running with a friend, you should ask yourself if said friend ran the Boston Marathon without stopping once. If the answer is yes, then perhaps consider going to brunch with that friend instead. I'd like to wish both Evil Twins (especially #2) good luck in the upcoming marathon.
G and I did another whirlwind trip to New York and this time brought a couple friends. We didn't get lost or fall into disagreement (although there was a close call when we still hadn't eaten lunch by 3:30). G and I will be going camping this weekend. This should certainly test our mettle-- if not the lack of facilities, at least the lack of a wireless connection. I'm sure we'll be fine. We'll resort to old school "reading" in the evenings.
Finally, I had to reveal a secret I'd been harboring to G. He likes to keep current of the cinema by watching previews and the new 007 was no exception. I had to confess I've never seen any James Bond movie to my knowledge. Perhaps I've spent too much time watching French New Wave.


evil twin #2 said...

Evil Twin #1 is notorious for her half-truths when it comes to running. When I was in Boston we went for a run and she told me that I was really slow because she only runs at one speed. I was able to keep up -- barely. The next day when we went running with ET#1's very fit friends, at a MUCH slower speed than we had the day before, they asked if the pace was ok. I said "Yes, what is our pace?" ET#1's friend replied {1 minute faster per mile that I am used to running). This means that ET#1 made me run way faster than what I was used to. Which is good, I guess...

Zandrea! said...

Ah yes, the "I only run one pace" declaration. She also told me that we ran about 4 miles, but then I mapped it later and it was closer to 5.5!! It was by and far the best running workout I've had all year.