Monday, June 05, 2006

Summer of...

Even though I've been out of school for years, Memorial Day weekend still means the start of summer and all that entails-- sleeping in, a morning class of something, watching soap operas, heading to the neighborhood pool for a long afternoon, followed by dinner and iced tea out on the porch and running around outside until the late sunset. Unfortunately this is a memory and does not reflect a working professional's summer (fortunately my memory falls just short of remembering the grueling task of mowing the lawn in 100+ degree weather and other "God, Mom, please, no!" tasks presented daily in the chore notebook). A summer in Boston usually means staring out my work window, into the sunshine, waiting for the weekend when all manner of New England activities can be enjoyed (the beach! a clambake!)...and then sighing with frustration when the weekend yields two days and two nights straight of rain and only 55 degree weather.
Because summer is now only what we make of it, it helps to set specific goals. Last summer was the Summer of Evil Twin #1 and I hosted a series of teen movies (which I probably looked forward to more than I should admit). My sister has deemed this summer to be the Summer of Svelte. I'm awaiting my official package, but I believe it involves excercise competitions with one other person (perhaps someone you live with). At the end of each two weeks, whoever has best accomplished his/her goals takes the other person out for drinks. Unlike some people (you know who you are), I am not goal oriented, so really the motivation's (beer, really?!) got to be good. It's no use reflecting on the past, when ballet camp every morning and swimming every afternoon kept me in shape.
With less than 12 weeks left of "summer", it's time to start svelting...and drinking.


stephanie said...

Oh...I'm all about this!!! I'm up for any type of challenge! In fact, I've been trying to come with someone who will do a "Biggest Loser" type thing with me where you're looking to lose the greatest percent of weight. Let me know if you know of anyone!

Evil Twin #1 said...

ooohhhhh. I love summer goals. This summer my goal is simply to travel all around Japan. I also was going to try to wear non sneaker type shoes more than once a week, but that may be unrealistic considering I am traveling.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Yes... before you know it summer's gone. For most people in the northern hemisphere, summer is when we feel most alive. Here in England we are enjoying a lovely warm spell but all too soon cold winds and rain will disturb our equilibrium...