Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Move Preparation: Installment 2

G and I found a charming apartment, moved most of his worldly belongings to the storage unit (the most precious electronics and comic books staying with me) and sent him on his month long trip to Israel. Save for the physical act of moving our stuff to the new apartment in mid-August, the big parts are taken care of. Packing, shmacking...any further proactive measures on my part would severely cut into what is shaping up to be : The July of Andrea.***

My friend J invited me to join her in a drop in hip hop dance class Saturday morning. We both enjoyed dancing (although often infused with alcohol) and thought, how hard could it be? We arrived at 9:30 am and to our surprise (read: chagrin) the Boston Herald was doing a piece on dance in the Boston area, and none of us would mind being photographed during the class, would we?
The warm up started fine-- we got moving and were able to stave off the headaches resultant from lack of morning caffeine. The instructor introduced some steps and we slowly went through, following her and feeling good...until she dropped to the floor,break dance style,then upped the tempo double time. No one else in the class seemed surprised by this. In fact, they barely regarded it as a challege. For the next 45 minutes, J and I attempted the moves and were duly humbled. My two plus years of yoga practice did not give me the upper arm strength needed to fall and jump up, over and over. My body ached in places I didn't even know existed the next day. Of course, we're planning on returning as soon as possible.

The July of Andrea includes activities that G would not enjoy. Activities that might make G throw up. Starting next week, I will screen not one, and not two, but three nights of teen movies (the bad ones-- lots of Mandy Moore, some Britney and many hijinks). Many of my girlfriends have expressed more than a passing interest in this, so it could actually become an annual, if not monthly, event.

Further Andrea events include Salsa dancing, sewing a skirt, learning some Hebrew and practicing my Spanish, conscientiously grocery shopping with reusable bags...and perhaps getting a Massachusetts Drivers License. I've already entertained three friends from out of town, and hope to entertain at least one more. I'll travel to DC to see my sister and I'll take the African Dance class at my gym before I move.


Evil Twin #1 said...

Fantastic. I love busy summers chock full of productive event even if they have to be sans G.

Òscar Prieto said...

Hi Andrea! I've seen you're learning Spanish!! Good to come to Spain!!! I hope you and G come to visit me whenever you can..

I didn't know you were majored in Sociology like me!!! ooohhhh

(Que tengas un buen verano. Muy pronto las ausencias dejarán de serlo)

Warm Regards,
